Two of the books I've read recently have opened my eyes to
the difference between “trash” and what I will, undoubtedly, refer to as
“well-written trash” for the rest of forever. The books in question are JD
Salinger’s The Catcher in the Rye and
JK Rowling’s The Casual Vacancy. It’s
only a little ironic that both authors use two initials for the first name –
and even more ironic that Salinger’s trash will probably always be more
well-known than Rowling’s well-written trash.
What’s the difference, do you ask? The difference is that I
read all 512 pages of The Casual Vacancy and
couldn't force myself to read more than 5 or 10 pages of The Catcher in the Rye. A friend at work lent me her copy of
Rowling’s “adult novel” that came out a while back, but that I had never heard
much about since. She told me she had a hard time getting into it, so she never
finished, but I figured there had to be something
redeeming about it. It was written by the creator of Harry Potter, after
all! How could she write anything not worth reading?
I was wrong. The
Casual Vacancy is, more than anything, obscene. The language is filthy
(this is an understatement) and the characters are dishonest and cruel and
devoid of morality. Another reader who I love and respect nailed it when she
said, “By the end of the book, I still didn't care about a single character.”
It’s true. They’re all a bunch of trashy, shallow, selfish jerks who couldn't
keep up with Harry Potter if their lives depended on it. But – here’s the catch
– Rowling writes them well! Despite
the language and the fact that I found myself skipping over entire passages and
even chapters where I knew certain characters would use the “f word” more than
any other, I was intrigued. Rowling’s words flow like a stream of poetry
and life, and even though the content was horrible, I wanted to keep reading
just because she is so incredibly good at telling a story.
As for JD Salinger. I have no idea why The Catcher in the Rye has received any praise whatsoever. I put it
on my 2013 list because more than one person recommended it. I love my friends
and am grateful that not all readers enjoy reading the same books, but this is
one that I really can’t figure out. I picked it up shortly after reading The Casual Obscenity and was,
honest-to-goodness, shocked that I preferred the “f word” to Salinger’s
drawling conversation/novel. Rowling’s characters are filthy and shallow, but
Salinger’s hero is nothing but stupid. I put the book down and asked my Dad
about it. If he has a bad opinion of a book, I can guarantee that mine won’t be
much different. When I told him I’d started Catcher,
he winced and groaned as though he had eaten something nasty. And this is when
I decided that there is a difference between trash and well-written trash. Both
books might belong in the garbage, but at least Rowling wrote a book that has
some semblance of merit.
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