
"Left to Tell" by Immaculee Ilibagiza

This book, "Left to Tell: Discovering God Amidst the Rwandan Holocaust," is one of the most powerful memoirs I have ever read. Immaculee lived through one of the worst genocides in the history of the world and, in my opinion, the most heartbreaking.

The Rwandan Genocide took place in 1994 when one of the three tribes in Rwanda rose up against another. One million Tutsi citizens were killed by their Hutu neighbors, coworkers, and friends. Immaculee tells her story in this book and shares how she made it through the terror and tragedy of that event by relying on her faith in God.

This book is beautiful. It is very graphic and absolutely heartwrenching, but in its pages, I developed a great love and appreciation for Immaculee and her family. My sister Kelly tried to get me to read this for months and months and I'm so glad I finally did. Just to see such beautiful faith and to truly feel the connection that this incredible woman has with God. I hope to be able to hug her, and her brother Damascene, as well as the rest of her family someday. And to thank her for sharing her story with me.

A dear friend of mine always tells me that he has a list of people that he wants to see first when he gets to the other side. I want to see Immaculee Ilibagiza if I don't have a chance to meet her in this life!


Meg said...

hey stephie. i haven't checked this blog out for awhile. love it. thanks for posting your reviews. maybe i'll read some of those books after you've gone through with the marker. i can't get past the language. i don't know if its a.d.d. or hyperfocus. it just throws me off to much. but i like your reviews!

Kimberly said...

Hey Stephie, I love your "virtual shelf". Was it like this before? Maybe I should do one too! I love all your reviews. From Jodi Picoult try- Plain Truth. I'd love to see your review. I still need to read this book by Immaculee Ilibagiza. Love you lots!

Becky said...

I'll be honest. I'm afraid to read this book. I'm glad you liked it though. I think I'd rather you just tell me about it.

Kathy Smith said...

I was afraid to read "Left to Tell" also but must say it was one of the most inspirational books I have EVER read. For Becky's sake, I'm tempted to read it again before recommending it to her, but on the other hand, all I remember is that she developed such a closeness to God as to remove all fear and hatred. The only power to overcome IS the love of God, His love for us and our trust in Him. Maybe you other sisters should try "Left to Tell" and then let Becky know what you think.

Nigel said...

I got the chance to see her speak a few years ago when she came to visit the school I was going to my freshman year of college, and it is absolutely amazing how she was able to triumph over the hardship she had to go through. Her story is absolutely amazing.